

  1. OE
    Robust pixel-wise illuminant estimation algorithm for images with a low bit-depth
    Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    Opt. Express 2024
  2. CVPR
    NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
    Ershov, Egor, ..., ,  Yue, Shuwei, and ...,
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024
  3. CRA
    Short Communication: White balance for self-luminous highlights in images
    Liu, Yuyang,  Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    Color Research & Application 2024
  4. JOSA
    Effective cross-sensor color constancy using a dual-mapping strategy
    Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2024


  1. JOSA
    Color constancy from a pure color view
    Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2023
  2. CIC
    Practical Cross-Sensor Color Constancy Using a Dual-Mapping Strategy
    Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    In 31th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC) 2023


  1. CIC
    Dive into Illuminant Estimation from a Pure Color View
    Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    In 30th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC) 2022