
Hong Kong, China

Shuwei(Shaun) Yue

PhD in Imaging Science, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR.

I am a recent PhD graduate in imaging science, supervised by Prof. Minchen(Tommy) Wei. My research focus on Color Science & AI, with particular interests in:

  • Color constancy.
  • HDR, Tone mapping, Gamut mapping.
  • AI ISP.
  • Machine learning and GenAI.

I am actively seeking collaborations and jobs opportunities in these areas.
Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in discussing potential projects or positions.

Email: vividwayway at 163 dot com
Wechat: long-life-student666(please remove all ‘-’)


Aug 20, 2024 I have just successfully defended my PhD thesis! A new chapter begins! :sparkle: :smile: :sparkle:
Jul 2, 2024 Our paper “Robust pixel-wise illuminant estimation algorithm for images with a low bit-depth” has been accept by Optics Express!
Jun 21, 2024 Our paper “Short Communication: White balance for self-luminous highlights in images” has been accepted by Color Reasearch and Application
Apr 5, 2024 Our team participated in CVPR “Night Photography Rendering Challenge 2024” and ranked at 2nd in computation efficiency and 6th in accuracy out of 50+ teams!:sparkle: :smile: :sparkle:
Mar 28, 2024 I got my first immediate reject by IEEE SPL. I saw the magic reason limited novelty! What a memorable day! :smile:

selected publications

  1. OE
    Robust pixel-wise illuminant estimation algorithm for images with a low bit-depth
    Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    Opt. Express 2024
  2. CVPR
    NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
    Ershov, Egor, ..., ,  Yue, Shuwei, and ...,
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024
  3. CRA
    Short Communication: White balance for self-luminous highlights in images
    Liu, Yuyang,  Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    Color Research & Application 2024
  4. JOSA
    Effective cross-sensor color constancy using a dual-mapping strategy
    Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2024
  5. JOSA
    Color constancy from a pure color view
    Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2023
  6. CIC
    Practical Cross-Sensor Color Constancy Using a Dual-Mapping Strategy
    Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    In 31th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC) 2023
  7. CIC
    Dive into Illuminant Estimation from a Pure Color View
    Yue, Shuwei, and Wei, Minchen
    In 30th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC) 2022

professional activities

I am a reviewer for the following publication venues:

  • Journal of Optical Society of America A(JOSA A)
  • Optics Express
  • Color research and application
  • ACM Multimedia (ACM MM)